Info-Mac 3
Newton Gripe 'N' Bug 1.1 Part 2
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Part 3: Gripes
Things that, while not necessarily bugs, can be annoying.
It seems to be pretty easy to put a nice scratch on the top layer
of the screen. All it takes is to pick up a little bit of sand or
grit with the pen. There should be an easy way to replace the top
layer of the screen (if not user-installable, it should be an easy
job for a dealer).
The plastic socket on the back of the Newton that allows it to attach
to the carrying case is pretty flimsy on the early units. Apparently
Apple is using a better one now. If you ever take your unit in for
repair, you can ask for it to be replaced. (Information from Eric
The little rubber feet on the bottom of the Newton are apparently
rather easy to break off (Rainer Joswig, joswig@informatik.uni-
I have heard a couple of reports from users who say that their
screen dims slightly when the Newton is doing handwriting
recognition. This seems to be normal, or at least to occur in
quite a few units, so I wouldn't worry about it unless the
problem is so severe that it really bothers you; in that case
you may have a hardware problem (see Newton bugs, above).
Newton is fairly consistent about misinterpreting my uppercase "T"
(and that of other users) as a hyphen followed by something else.
Some users would like to see a little more tolerance for lines that
almost connect, but don't quite (for example, if I draw an uppercase
"N" in three strokes and they don't connect perfectly, Newton will
almost certainly interpret the "N" as three different characters.
David Myers (dem@meaddata.com) thinks that it would be very useful
to have a recognizer icon that would turn on and off "Words not in
word lists" for times when you know the word you're going to write
will be wildly misinterpreted if the Newton does dictionary lookup;
this would be quicker than going through the Prefs screens.
I have heard that many people can't get their Newton to dial phones
properly or fax numbers properly. Most of the difficulties seem to
be user errors rather than Newton bugs (Newton is pretty smart, but
it can't think for you). Here are some suggestions from Markus,
Make certain that your country field is set properly (Newton handles
international dialing), as well as your area code (if you've set
your country to Graceland to see the Newt startup screen, set it back
to dial or fax).
Make certain that your phone numbers entries in your phone book don't
have ones or other special codes before the area code, since Newton
tries to handle this by itself.
Better quality phones tend to work better when dialing via Newton's
speaker. Many phones, though, even expensive phones, don't seem to
recognize the tones produced by the small Newton speaker.
Krishnan Aghoramurthy and others report that they would like to be
able to review outgoing faxes in the Out Box by looking at the number
it is being sent to.
Rainer Joswig (joswig@informatik.uni-hamburg) reported the following:
write "This is a line of text." Select "line" and drag it out of
the sentence, which closes up. The word "line" is now deselected;
dragging a word around under other circumstances leaves it selected.
Rainer again: After scrolling, the selection is unselected. This
makes it impossible to select things that lie across scroll
Sometimes it is difficult to make the Newton recognize the
horizontal line that starts a new note. (Also reported by:
Stephen R. Fleming, fleming@cup.portal.com). (Similarly, I've
noticed that many times if I actually want to draw a wide
horizontal line - not edge to edge, but filling most of the
width of the screen, the Newton tends to think it is the
"new note" gesture).
I have heard a few complaints about the scrolling. If you have
text or graphics near the top of a note or the bottom, it can be
difficult to get to it in order to select it or edit it.
Eric also reports, and I corroborate, several different problems
related to separator bars, dividing up notes, and inserting new
notes. This can be awkward, or produce unexpected results.
Fortunately none of these quirks seem to result in lost data.
I have heard a number of complaints on the difficulty of controlling
vertical spacing and formatting in notes, and the difficulty in
getting paragraphs started and concluded (Stephen R. Fleming and
I have had trouble when drawing charts with text captions, like
organizational charts. If I try to place two boxes containing text
captions, separated by vertical space but in the same horizontal line,
the formatter will "grab" them and put them next to each other as two
words on a line, which isn't what I want.
Krishnan Aghoramurthy (kam@maspar.com) pointed out that if you write
an item like "Remember the Alamo" and have the assistant turn it into
a to-do list item, it appears in an odd font (not Plain for Fancy).
If you have been playing the handwriting game and remove the
Getting Started card, your high score will be lost.
Rainer Joswig (joswig@informatik.uni-hamburg.de) reports, and
I have verified: Put in the Getting Started card. Open the
Names applet. Bring up the Unfiled Names (using the folder
menu at the top of the card). Move to one of the Names items
on the card (such as Apple Assurance). Now, search for any
other name in your Names file on the Newton itself or on the
card (such as "Canadian," for Canadian Service and Support).
When the card is found, the Newton will say "This name card
is on a write-protected card and cannot be changed," even if
it isn't, and besides, you didn't try to change it, just view it.
Eric Shapiro (shapiro@jgsm2.gsm.cornell.edu) complains that the
view of an entire month should show day events like birthdays
and anniversaries, and that some pop-up windows, such as the
one that appears when entering detailed information about a
calendar item, have recognizer fields that are too close to the
top of the window, making it difficult to write in them.
Michael Toy (mtoy@mycool.asd.sgi.com) gripes that if he has
entered a birthday on a name card, having to enter it again on
the calendar is annoying.
Ray Davis (rdavis@pixar.com) was unhappy that alarm messages went
away after a few minutes if you weren't there to see them. [This
should probably be configurable; I'd hate to have an alarm go off,
wake up my Newton, and then have it stay on for the next 24 hours
and use up the battery].
Ray Davis also reports that, when printing a seven-
day overview from the calendar, the font was too large, text was
clipped, and the printout only covered from 7 am to 7 pm, which
cut off some sheculed events. He reports that printing from the
connection kit gave much better results. (system version 1.02,
so some of this may have been fixed by 1.04).
Charles Menser (charles@peachnet.edu) asks if there is any good
way to move date items to and from a memory card.
Mike McKee (mike@digntn1.csgi.com) reports being irritated by the
fact that when you make a new card, even if you have just set the
card style to something else, you always get the card style with
the zig-zag line across it. Being able to set a different default
would be nice.
General Newton Interface
I find that the scroll-down button can be hard to accurately hit
with the pen; it has a very small "sweet spot," and I often hit
the overview button instead, which means the Newton then spends
a minute or two creating an overview when I just wanted to scroll
down. Maybe these could be enlarged on future units. I have been
told that this can be improved by aligning the pen to account
for the parallax (difference between the alignment necessary at
the top of the screen vs. the bottom). (Contributed by Tim McNerney,
Some users have trouble getting the "erase" gesture recognized.
Stephen Fleming (fleming@cup.portal.com) wishes for a way to use
a different sized pen-tip to erase, as if the stylus had an
eraser on the other end, as a more natural interface.
The limited built-in dictionary can be very frustrating. For
example, Newton as it comes out of the box does not know words
like "adapter," "alarms," "alkaline," "cells," "compressed,"
"copying," "enclosed," "ExpertPad," "folder," "glare," "incorrect,"
"infrared," "insert," "liaison," "mailed," "marketed," "MessagePad,"
"NewtonMail," "NewtonScript," (it does know PowerBook, however!),
"obsolete," "outdated," "Overview," "PCMCIA," "recharge," "recognizer,"
"reflective," "reset," "separator," "soups," "static," "tap,"
"toolkit," "Unicode," and "upgrade." This limited dictionary is
one of the reasons that Newton's handwriting recognition is getting
a lot of criticism in the press; a reviewer isn't likely to take
the time necessary to add all his or her commonly use words to
the dictionary. I can buy a handheld spell-checker and thesaurus
for under $50 with at least ten times the number of words the
Newton knows. I realize that having a small dictionary saves
valuable memory space and allows the recognizer to perform more
accurately, but I hope this limitation can be overcome in the
future, or the Newton will not be a truly useful tool for writers.
Part 4: Wishes
These are things that I or other contributors would like to
see in future releases of the Newton system software (or in
future Newtons).
Stephen Johns (johns@io.datasys.swri.edu) had an interesting suggestion:
make the pen holder an on-off switch, so that the Newton goes on when
you remove the pen and goes off when you put it back.
Also from Stephen Johns: support many-to-one and one-to-many infrared
beaming; allow Newton to learn how to act as a remote control.
Bradley Holt, holt.cheme.washington.edu had a very simple but useful
suggstion: the pen should have grips on the edges as well as on the
flat sides, to make it easier to remove it from the pen holder.
Stephen Fleming (fleming@cup.portal.com) would like to see a beam
interface to the Mac. [I think it would be cool too. Can you picture
one built like those little infrared remote-control "boosters," in
the shape of a translucent plastic pyramid? There should also be
support for moving single notebook items, datebook entries, and
name cards back and forth, instead of having to synchronize everything
and pull it out of the Connection Kit application].
Stephen R. Fleming reports the need for better print options for
calendar items, and for better control over type styles in the
datebook and to-do lists, and for batch printing in order to waste
less paper.
Many users would like to see optional multiple handwriting
profiles. (This is probably more a memory limitation than a
technical limitation).
Recognition of certain gestures, such as the "insert line break"
gesture, could be better.
Some users wish for recognition of words written in Landscape mode
(rotated 90 degrees from the current orientation).
Several users would like to see the recognizer able to realize that
its guesses aren't close, and to do character matching instead in
this case.
Some users are frustrated by the fact that you can't teach the
Newton the way you make a letter, if it differs too much from the
letter styles it already knows.
User Interface
It would be nice if there was some equivalent to the Macintosh watch
cursor to indicate when the Newton was busy. I know there isn't really
a Newton "cursor" (just an insertion point when editing text), but
the human-interface gurus ought to be able to come up with something.
One thing I find annoying is that I have not yet heard of a way
to move applications between the card and main memory, or to beam
them. So far the only ways I know of to install applications is to
download "package" files created with the developer's kit from a
Mac, to use a card, or to download from a company that provides
enhancement, using a modem (I haven't heard of any being available
that way yet).
Also from Stephen R. Fleming and T.X. Yuan: 14-point type would be
useful. T.X. Yuan would like to see italic type available.
It would be nice to have audio feedback for the Shift and Caps-Lock
keys on the mini-keyboard, and when changing pen thickness (Stephen
R. Fleming). [You get an audible click when you change point size;
why not when changing pen thickness?]
A "don't sleep when plugged in" option, like the PowerBook has,
would be nice. I want the Newton to know that it should sleep
when it is running on batteries but that it doesn't need to sleep
when I'm using AC power, without having to change the sleep settings.
David Myers (dem@meaddata.com) would like to have a routing button
to delete To-do list items (because they are difficult to scratch out),
and to have an option to make to-do items repeating; the example he
gave was having "Take out the trash" appear every time it was trash
Note Pad
Suppose I file a whole bunch of notes in a new folder and call it
"Camping," then I go through all the items in that folder and move
them to a memory card, then eject the card. The Newton then creates
a new note with the current date and time and continues to show
that folder. I don't like this behavior. I would prefer that that
if I move the entire contents of a folder to a card, the folder
itself go to. That way I can use the card for archival storage and
treat an entire folder full of notes as a single entity, and not
have to look at the empty folder on the Newton when I'm not using
those notes.
Password-protection of individual notes, instead of the whole
system, would be very nice.
There doesn't seem to be any good way to tell if you are at the
top of the notepad paper roll, other than clicking the scroll
up button and waiting to see if nothing happens, or clicking
"overview" and looking to see if the first note at the top of the
screen is the first note on the overview list (which doesn't work
for graphic notes). Some sort of indicator would be nice.
Rainer Joswig (joswig@informatik.uni-hamburg.de) would like to see
more than two clipboards (and so would I).
Stephen Fleming (fleming@cup.portal.com) would like to be able to
sort the overview of All Notes by folder name.
Several users report that they would like to see improved handling
and display of anniversary items like birthdays.
Several users requested that alarms not go away after going off, or
repeat every five minute. Perhaps the way the alarms behave should
be a user-configurable option.
John Brewer (jbrewer@wri.com) would like to see alarms without
corresponding appointments; David Myers (dem@meaddata.com) would
like to see alarms for To-do list items.
Rainer Joswig (joswig@informatik.uni-hamburg.de) says "since it
is not possible to give them start and end times, it is not useful
to display these options when editing Day Notes." He would also
like to see the ability to enter appointments that last longer than
one day.
Stephen Fleming (fleming@cup.portal.com) would like to be able to
set the datebook to open by default to 7:00 a.m., since his days
start then. He'd also like to see a way to block out events that
span multiple days in the calendar. He also reports "I live in
Nashville. My Newton thinks I live in Chicago. On a product that's
supposed to be cute and cuddly, it sure seems silly not to have a
way to fix that." [My Newton thinks I live in Detroit - ick!]
Stephen Fleming again: the month and year at the top of the calendar
should hilight separately, since they do different things [taking you
to the year overview vs. the month overview... I was confused by this
also]. "Yeah, it's in the manual," he says, "but who reads manuals?"
He also reports a wish to shrink the date screen to show more of a
day at once (12 hours at a time, for people who work more than eight
hours). [maybe a view like this, showing the whole day with items
marked in smaller type, could be the default day overview?]
Some users would find it useful in the Newton automatically created
your own business card based on the information you enter in the
"Personal" area. (suggested by Kevin Altis, kevn@scic.intel.com).
Rainer Joswig suggests: it should be possible to route (fax, print,
beam, etc.) items from the "find" listing - for example, to fax
a group of names, without having to move them to a separate folder
and fax the folder.
Support for more folders, and the ability to scroll the list of
folders, would be useful.
Allowing items to belong to multiple folders (like aliases) would
be useful. [Since data on the Newton, wherever possible, is stored
as references to objects, this should not be difficult to implement].
The ability to turn off all notifications and alarms would be nice,
along with a list of all recent notifications (like the list of
recent error messages). Rainer also suggests allowing a user to
click in an alarm notification and jump right to the appropriate
calendar entry.
Stephen Fleming (fleming@cup.portal.com) reports that it is hard
to distinguish the dark grey used to indicate letter forms that are
marked "rarely" in Letter Styles.
Rainer again: there should be some way to visually identify if a
window will move, or if it can be scrolled. [I would add that it
would be nice to know in advance if the Overview button was
supported; one way to do this might be to make the overview and
arrow buttons transparent, and if they were enabled, the Newton
could fill them in... is there actual usable screen real estate
under the row of buttons at the bottom, or does the digitizing
pad extend farther down than the screen does?]